Highest Paying In-Demand Jobs for Canadian Immigrants

Canada sometimes called the Great White North, is renowned for always welcoming lawful immigrants, whether they are there for employment or study. There is a labor shortage in the area due to the increasing number of old people living there.

The good news is that efforts are being made by the Canadian government to address this issue by streamlining the immigration procedures for foreign experts. So how can one get a job in Canada? We’ll discuss the highest-paying, in-demand jobs for immigrants in this article.

Highest Paying In-Demand Jobs for Immigrants in Canada?

Sales Representatives

There are more than 8 thousand vacancies offered at Job Bank for positions at all stages of the sales process. Indeed, a college degree is not required to work in sales. However, the Canadian government states that a business or administration degree from an institution can set one apart, particularly for individuals looking to advance in their careers.

Furthermore, a university degree improves your chances of being allowed to immigrate to Canada, even though it is optional for Canadians. Once there, expect to receive an average salary of 35 Canadian dollars per hour.

Aerospace Engineers

The requirement for aerospace engineers in Canada is very high. As a result, finding employment in this field shouldn’t be too challenging. But compared to other professions, this one has greater expectations. Apart from being fluent in one of the regional languages and possessing a year of work experience, you are required to:

  • Have a clean criminal record within the last 5 years (except for speeding tickets)
  • Have a degree in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Engineering Physics
  • Have experience in at least five of the following areas: designing aerospace vehicles, performing computer simulations of this type of vehicle, preparing materials for aerospace use, supervising manufacturing and assembly of aircraft and spacecraft, coordinating ground and flight tests of spacecraft, develop operational specifications, develop technical and support phases, investigate failures.
  • Not be a drug user


In Canada currently, accountants are the most in-demand foreign professions. This is because it is an important career for business development. After all, accounting is more complicated the larger the business.

To be an accountant in Canada you will need a bachelor’s degree in Economics, Accounting or a broader related field, as well as professional registration. Accountants typically earn an average salary of CAD$36 per hour.


The digital, mobile, and telecommunications industries in Canada are expanding, which has raised the need for designers in the nation. Does it appear odd? Simply put, user-friendly software and websites are essential. This problem is handled by designers, particularly those who work in software and UX (usability) design.

To pursue this profession you need to graduate from a design or computing course. Professionals who have postgraduate courses in the area come out ahead in the competition. Furthermore, experience, skill, and creativity are the distinguishing factors here. The average hourly wage is 48 Canadian dollars.

Civil Engineers

In Canada, the field of civil engineering is likewise flourishing. Then, among the most in need professionals in the nation of North America, engineers came in fifth place. There are additional requirements for this field, though, just like in aerospace engineering.

You can check all the requirements on the official Canadian government page. If you meet the criteria, you can apply. Civil engineers earn a little less than those who work in Aerospace Engineering, with an hourly average of 41 Canadian dollars.


Canada, a nation with strong technological ties, is constantly in need of qualified programmers. Your visa will be approved in less time than usual—two weeks—if you land a job in this field.

To apply for a position, you must have a degree in an area related to computing. You are expected to be responsible for maintaining, installing and correcting problems with computer systems. The average salary for the area is CAD$38 per hour.

Computer Engineers

One of the most important fields for every modern nation is computer engineering. Canada is not an exception to this. Canadians are welcoming to tech experts because of this.

If you have experience developing computing and telecommunications hardware, Canada may have a job for you. The average salary for engineers in this category is 46 Canadian dollars per hour.

University or Technical Education Teachers

Higher education teaching is another field with significant demand and projected expansion in the upcoming years. This is mostly because there are a lot of professionals in the sector retiring.

The country is expected to be able to accommodate 3,500 teachers by 2026, although this figure may rise even more given the possibility of the emergence of additional technical and university institutions by that time.

Software Engineers

As with programmers, software engineers are seen as much-needed professionals in Canada. Therefore, you can move to the country after two weeks of being hired.

With this job, your role will be to develop programs for companies or customize third-party software. For this, the average salary for these professionals is 48 Canadian dollars per hour.


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