AFPE Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences

The AFPE Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) assists good-performing Ph.D. students with the skill and aptitude to become outstanding scientists and leaders in the pharmaceutical industry, academia, and the nonprofit/government sectors.

This fellowship program is available to students who have completed at least three semesters of graduate study toward a Ph.D. and who have less than three years to obtain a Ph.D. degree in a graduate program in the pharmaceutical sciences administered by a U.S. College of Pharmacy.

The main goal of the AFPE Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship program is to positively impact patient and public health by supporting students who possess the skill and aptitude to become outstanding scientists and leaders in the pharmaceutical industry, etc.

AFPE Fellowship Eligibility Requirements:

  • They must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • The AFPE recipient must be registered as a full-time student in a Ph.D. degree program in the pharmaceutical sciences administered by, or officially affiliated with, an accredited U.S. school or college of pharmacy.
  • Students enrolled in a Ph.D. or joint Pharm D./Ph.D. program and have completed the equivalent of 3 full semesters of graduate credit toward the Ph.D. and will be awarded the Ph.D. degree within 3 additional years may be eligible for a pre-doctoral fellowship.

Selection Criteria:

Each application is examined by a minimum of at least two scientific reviewers. The reviewers assess the applications using the following rubric:

  • Leadership and Character (15%)
  • Academic Performance (35%)
  • Research Plan and Experience (50%)

Additionally, successful applicants are judged to demonstrate the following:

  1. High potential and commitment to becoming an outstanding pharmaceutical scientist
  2. A compelling, novel, relevant, and feasible research proposal that advances science and ultimately improves patient and public health.
  3. Superior academic achievement
  4. Prior research experience
  5. Exceptional basic science knowledge
  6. Strong leadership experienced
  7. Honorable personal character and ethics
  8. Strong written and oral communication skills
  9. Strong laboratory skills relevant to their discipline
  10. Exhibit strong interpersonal and collaborative skills

Please note: In the previous award cycle, the average GPA of awardee recipients was 3.8.  86% of awardees from the last cycle award had one or more publications.

Application Instructions:

Each application will contain:

  1. Completed Part 1, intent to apply
  2. Completed Part 2
  3. 3 faculty recommendation forms
  4. Official graduate transcript

Information on the application and recommendation processes.

  1. Part 1 and Part 2 of the application and all recommendations must be completed using the Smarter Select links.
  2. The student will need to create one login for Part 1 and Part 2, and the recommender will receive a link to complete the recommendation form.
  3. The link to Part 1 will be posted on AFPE’s website and emailed to AFPE’s faculty contact list ahead of the application opening.
  4. The link to Part 2  will automatically be sent to the applicant after submitting Part 1.
  5. The transcript may be sent through electronic or paper mail. However, it must be sent by the university (i.e. a credentialed PDF or sealed envelope with the registrar’s signature would be fine, a scan from the student or unsealed document would not.

Renewals:  If you were awarded an AFPE Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, and wish to re-apply, please email Ellen Woods at for the renewal link.

Fellowship Details and Requirements:

  • The Fellowship term begins September 1 of the award year and runs through August 31st of the following year.
  • If selected, the student must provide:
  1. Accounting report indicating how the stipend was used.
  2. Photo and information for marketing in print and digital publications
  3. The student must have a LinkedIn profile and connect to AFPE
  4. Progress or final report about the research project
  5. Information on their employment and the current address where they may be reached following receipt of the Ph.D. degree.
  6. Acknowledgment of AFPE’s support in publications resulting from the studies carried out during the period of their AFPE Fellowship.
  • Stipend Details:
  1. The Fellowship stipend may be used for a purpose decided by the awardee and college that will enable the student to make progress in their pursuit of the Ph.D., e.g., laboratory supplies, materials, student stipend, books, travel, etc. None of the funds shall be used for indirect costs by the institution.
  2. The 1st half of the stipend is disbursed in September of the award year, and the 2nd half is disbursed in February of the following year.

Click Here to Apply

Scholarships that are also offered by AFPE

  • AFPE Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
  • ASHP-AFPE Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
  • Herb and Nina Demuth Memorial Award
  • Phi Lambda Sigma-AFPE First Year Graduate School Fellowship
  • AFPE Regional Award
  • Dr. Paul B. Myrdal Memorial Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
  • Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Health Outcome Disparities
  • Phi Lambda Sigma-AFPE First Year Graduate School Fellowship
  • Kappa Epsilon AFPE Fellowship – Nellie Wakeman Fellowship

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