Small Business Health Insurance California | Best Covered Plans

Small Business Health Insurance California is available and affordable although not mandatory for everyone but every small employer is guaranteed group coverage in case they choose to purchase it and this has nothing to do with their health status.

If you have full-time employees of about 2 to 50 then you are a small business owner and should consider taking out a health insurance plan as this protects your workers and you.

A greater percentage of the coverage is against any conditions involving your workers at your small business premises that may implicate you even though you pay the premiums.

Therefore, it does not matter if you already have personal health insurance.; though an employer’s health insurance can sometimes cover the workers the premium plan has to be described.

This article will serve as a guide for everything you need to know about Small Business Health Insurance in California, how it works, what it involves, the cost, and every other detail.

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What Is Small Business Health Insurance?

Small Business Health Insurance California
Small Business Health Insurance California

Across the world, employers whose businesses are not yet raised to a certain level where so many workers are recruited and only have about 2 to 50 workers are considered small business owners.

Small business owners seem to fall into the most trouble with their workers take for example a very small business owner by the roadside who employed a worker but ended up in jail after the worker filed a claim that may have not been true.

This claim could be health-based or safety whereby the worker may have sustained a little injury at his or her work pace and instead of getting treated for it, some of them may decide to let their employer pay heavily for an Injury they did not cause.

However, most health insurance does not cover injuries or accidents at the workplace due to negligence or carelessness.

So, getting a small business health insurance as an owner to both a way of granting coverage to your workers and yourself as it generally decreases your taxation.

While most countries and states make this insurance type very important and mandatory for every small business owner, the Californian Government wishes that all small business owners will consider the benefits and see this insurance as important.

How Does Small Business Health Insurance California Work?

Every small business owner under Californian law AB1672 is guaranteed group coverage if they choose to purchase it, this has zero consideration for the employer’s health status.

So to a reasonable extent, Small Business Health Insurance California is not a mandatory obligation but it is important for everyone who falls under this category in business and as an employer.

Along with the general benefit of a decrement in taxation, taking out this cover has a lot of advantages that mostly the employers are entitled to while the employees only enjoy the coverage it brings.

So, this insurance type works the same way regardless of the state or country. The benefits of getting small business health insurance extend to the below;

  • Trust outsiders and allure them to want to patronize your business seeing how you have the interest of your workers at heart most of them will want to come work for you
  • Keeps you out of the trouble that may come when a worker files a claim against you for an injury that was a threat to their health or health condition
  • Saves you the stress and cost if any health condition should arise while your worker(s) work for you

There are so many benefits to taking out Small Business Health Insurance in California and every other part of the world, it works the same as coverage against any health condition of your worker(s).

Small Business Health Insurance California Cost

The cost of Small Business Health Insurance California differs by the company you choose to take out your policy from.

These companies offer their premiums in tiers too therefore, your insurance cost could be determined by the tier you choose as well as how many people are on the policy.

Also, the cost of health insurance in general as well as in California changes by the year so you should be up to date so you do not go for your policy coverage based on the charge of the previous year.

However, the average estimate of small business health insurance in California is around $11,000.

The factors that will influence the cost of Small Business Health Insurance in California include;

  • The insurance company your policy is coming from
  • how many people are covered by the plan
  • the tier/premium you choose
  • the nature of the small business and what is involved in your coverage plan

So, do all the necessary research to find out the cost of your insurance before you go on with it.

Best and Cheapest Small Business Health Insurance California

Considering that ‘best’ may mean different things for different people based on their needs, getting your small business health insurance for a very cheap rate is very important and highly profitable.

However, it takes more than wishing to get cheap insurance to get it, you must be willing to perform tasks like comparing different companies and their quotes to choose the cheapest.

Not minding the company that is offering it to you, LA Care Silver 70 HMO is the cheapest Small Business Health Insurance in California right now and covers you to a reasonable extent.

Therefore, finding the cheapest goes beyond knowing the plan, you should pay attention to the coverage options of the plan too.

Small Business Health Insurance California Providers

Many health insurance companies offer reasonable coverage for you and your employees, some of these companies offer better coverage plans than others so there is the need to carefully compare the premium options of these companies and their available plans.

Below is a list of some of the Small Business Health Insurance in California and other states as well;

California Small Business Health Insurance  Requirements

Getting Small Business Health Insurance in California requires nothing other than the regular which is the same everywhere across the states where you can use this policy type effectively.

However, based on the specification of this post, you must be a citizen of California to be ready to request this insurance type and for it to be approved.

Every other requirement you must have to be eligible for this cover is to have a registered business in California as well as up to 2 to 50 full-time workers already working in the space.

Covered California Small Business Plans

The Small Business Health Insurance California covers a variety of insurance plans including HMO,  and PPO being that it is just like the normal health insurance plan even though it is specifically for small businesses.

However, the cost of the plans for this health policy varies by the company and plan you choose. Small Business Health Insurance California is estimated to cost about $418 monthly per person covered however, LA Care Silver 70 HMO being the cheapest plan type, costs about $334 per month.

Make sure to carefully company plans and company offers to be sure if you want to take out an insurance plan from them.


Small Business Health Insurance California does not have a specific cost as it varies by the company and the plan chosen but the cheapest plan type is estimated to cost about $334 per month.

It is important to take out a Small Business Health Insurance California as much as it is in every other state and country and this is to cover your workers as well as you from unforeseen health conditions that may even implicate you as an employer.

To be qualified for Small Business Health Insurance California, you must have Californian citizenship and own a small business with about 2 to 50 employees.

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