Are you currently looking for information on Tuition Free Universities in Norway? The good news is, that you can study in several tuition-free universities in Norway for international bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. students without paying tuition fees.
Living expenses in Norway are higher than in many other countries, but it’s also a nation that offers high-quality university education to international students without charging tuition fees.
You can apply to one of the tuition-free universities, and you’re on your way to studying in Europe with very little or no financial hassle at all.
Why Study in Norway | About Norway
Norway is a Nordic country within mainland territory in Northern Europe that comprises the western and northernmost part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The largest city in Norway is Oslo which also doubles as the largest city in the country.
The country has a total area of 385,207 square kilometers (148,729 sq mi) and a population of 5,425,270 in January 2022. Regardless of the country’s small size, its universities and colleges are known for quality education.
And since it is majorly an English-speaking country, a good number of its university degree programs and courses are taught in English.
Tuition-Free Universities in Norway for International Students
University of Bergen
The only fee to be paid at the University of Bergen is the semester fee to the Student Welfare Organisation (SiB), currently NOK 480. The University of Bergen is a public institution and therefore does not charge tuition fees. This applies both to Norwegian and international students.
The degrees that students can study at the University of Bergen include law, Medicine, Mathematics and Natural Science, Psychology, Music & Fine Art, Social Sciences, Humanities, and others.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NTNU offers all students a distinct advantage over many other universities in Europe and North America: there are no tuition fees here. However, students do need to cover their living expenses. Furthermore, all international students who are not citizens of EU/EEA/EFTA countries must be able to document that they have enough funding to live in Norway to be granted a student visa.
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Tuition is free at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences for national and international students. However, international students will have to pay a semester per semester for student welfare.
Students here can study for a degree in Health & Social Sciences, Education & Arts, Business Administration, and Engineering & Science while having access to food, practical, health, and maritime activity, and a driving school.
University of Nordland – formerly Bodø University College
The University of Nordland does not charge tuition fees. However, the Norwegian Government requires that students from outside the European Union (EU) can provide a minimum amount of money to cover living expenses for one academic year in Norway.
Ostfold University College
Aside from the students paying a minor semester fee of NOK 600 ($70) every semester, the tuition fee at Ostfold University College is free because the institution is publicly funded.
The institution offers free tuition to international students who can study for degrees in Business, Computer science, Engineering, Social science, Theatre Studies, Health Science, Education, and Foreign language.
The Arctic University of Norway
There are no tuition fees for international students at UiT, but living costs in Norway are quite high, compared to other European countries. The semester fee is currently NOK 500, approx. 65 US Dollars.
MF Norwegian School of Theology
All international students must arrive in Oslo with adequate funding to pay for student fees, registration fees, accommodation, and various living expenses. Apart from a relatively small student fee/ registration fee, there is no tuition fee to study at MF.
Nord-Trøndelag University College
There is no tuition fee at Nord-Trøndelag University College, but exchange students must pay tuition at their home institution, if any. The students are, however, responsible for payment of all other expenses in Norway.
Oslo Metropolitan University
Tuition at this institution is free just like others, but students have to pay about NOK 600 ($70) per semester for student welfare services and an extra NOK 220 ($25) copy fee. Degrees available for both local and international students to study at Oslo Metropolitan University include Education & information science, Technology & Design, Health Science, and Social science.
University of Stavanger (UiS)
The University of Stavanger (UiS) participates in several student exchange programs, such as NORDPLUS and ERASMUS. The UiS has also established numerous bilateral exchange agreements with universities and colleges all over the world.
University of Agder (UiA)
The University of Agder has several exchange agreements with institutions all over the world. Students from these institutions are most welcome to apply to take 1 or 2 semesters at Agder. Degree-seeking students, the application deadline is December 1.
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